Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Live Long and Prosper

Busy Busy Busy!  Finally finished painting the new place.  I am really excited to venture to painting the craft room as we have lots of leftover paint.  Maybe in the next blog I will post some progress!

So, time for more research...

Jason Bard Yarmosky

 “Growing old shouldn’t preclude anyone from enjoying the same sense of joy, experimentation, and exploration that we associate with young people.”  Yarkmosky is a painter based in New York.  He paints realistic portraits of an elderly couple, who happen to be his 84 year-old grandparents.  In his art, he likes to show aging in contrast with youthfulness.  

I stumbled across this artist in a Hi Fructose article because it was eye catching.  I like the idea of nostalgia and innocence shown in his works of art.  Yarmosky paints very large, as the work on the left is 72" x 48".  I picked this piece, Sound of Silence, because it reminds me of cosplayers at the anime conventions I go to.  I can only imagine this painting being a portrait of myself at 84, as an elderly woman embracing youth.

See the resemblance?  This is Ian and I at Katsucon 2012 dressed as Cosmo and Wanda from the Fairly Odd Parents.

Upon finding Yarmosky's artist statement, I really like some of the things he says.  "My paintings examine the relationship between the limitations of social norms and the freedom to explore, particularly the juxtaposition between the young and old. The carefree nature that is associated with youth often gives way to borders and boundaries placed on adult behavior."  I thought about exploring something similar in my senior seminar works.  I really like the innocence of one's inner child in contrast to the social expectations put on adults.  Yeah we get weird looks walking from the hotel to the convention with pink and green hair, but it's all about having fun.

Well back to my sketchbook and the paint cans, I've got big plans for the craft room.  But to end things on a good note, how could I leave you without a picture of our cute kitten?

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