Tuesday, June 26, 2012


So Ian and I found his childhood LEGOs and instruction books.  So recently we have been assembling some of his childhood sets and using the internet to find some of his other sets.  Along with spending too much money at the LEGO store on our way home from DC, I thought it would be fun to google "lego artist"

What did I find?  Pure awesomness.

9. Nathan Sawaya

 Nathan is a New York based artist that works in LEGOs.  He was born in Washington and moved to Oregon before settling in New York.  He works as a full time freelance artist, working on commissions from individuals, companies, and conventions.  His inspiration to work in LEGOs came from childhood, as he played with the colorful bricks as a young boy.  After attending NYU for college, he re-discovered LEGOs as a medium.

I love his 3D style and his ability to create human forms.  The thing I like about LEGOs is that they are bright and colorful.  You can create anything out of them!  Sawaya really takes brick building to a whole new level.

I found it interesting to read that he glues his creations together, which makes sense if you're sending LEGO sculptures all over the world.

His Q&A is really interesting to read about the process http://brickartist.com/about/

 I'm rather jealous of his LEGO studio.  I wish I had a ton of LEGOs to build frivolously with.  Maybe one day...  We have a decent sized box of LEGOs but not enough for a senior seminar's worth!  I really want to see one of these things in person.  I don't feel the pictures do it justice.

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